
GustaveGame's Medals


Total Medals Earned: 1,601 (From 298 different games.)
Total Medal Score: 26,635 Points

Dice Catcher

Medals Earned: 2/4 (15/90 points)

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Die for the Lich [v0.3.3]

Medals Earned: 3/10 (75/425 points)

Death of Ankou 25 Points

Reach the church and defeat Ankou.

Natural 20 25 Points

Aquire a D20 and roll a 20 on it.

Daily Contender 25 Points

Submit a daily score in the top 30.

Agressive 100 Points

Defeat Ankou without using defensive weapons.

Clean Cut 50 Points

Finish the first map without losing any health.

Overkill 50 Points

Deal 50 or more damage with a single blow.

Last Wish 50 Points

Reach the church with only the shovel & the coffin shield

Investor 25 Points

Own 10 coins in a single run.

Skeleton Farmer 25 Points

Have 10 bones in your tray at the same time.

Ouroboros 50 Points

Trigger the critical on the same weapon 3 times in a single turn


Medals Earned: 5/5 (325/325 points)

you are smart 25 Points

beat the normal game mode. you can do it if you learn the rules

wow!! you have a HUGE brain 50 Points

beat the normal game in UNDER 75 moves

you are EXTRA smart 50 Points

unlock and overcome the deadly EXTRA game mode. this is what you went to school for

o_O you are GOD..... 100 Points

beat EXTRA mode in under 90 moves!!! you are so crazy awesome if you get this one

the memory MASTER???? 100 Points

finish a level of the RANDOM PUZZLE/ENDLESS mode while holding a score multiplier of 9. this sounds a little tough to set up but i believe in you... thanks sooo much for playing btw <3

Dragonfire: A Game of Pixels

Medals Earned: 9/27 (125/500 points)

Gimme the loot 5 Points

Earn 1K gold.

Home Owner 5 Points

Burn your first building.

It's what's for dinner 5 Points

Burn a cow.

Rare 5 Points

Burn 100 puny humans in one run.

Fully Loaded 10 Points

Max out all of the upgrades.

Little League 10 Points

Fly 3 leagues in one run.

Mine! All mine!! 10 Points

Earn 10K gold.

Masta Blasta 25 Points

Burn 2,500 puny humans total.

Insatiable 50 Points

Burn 5,000 puny humans total.

Blazing Saddles 5 Points

Burn 1,000 horse archers total.

Ballistageddon 10 Points

Burn 1,000 ballistas total.

BIG Ba-da-boom! 10 Points

Burn 250 mines total.

Cata-clysm 10 Points

Burn 250 catapults total.

Fire in the sky 10 Points

Shoot down 1000 airships total.

Ghost Riders 10 Points

Burn 100 horse archers in one run.

Medium 10 Points

Burn 500 puny humans in one run.

Real Estate Mogul 10 Points

Burn 1000 buildings total.

Ba-da-boom! 25 Points

Burn 50 mines in one run. [It doesn't count if you run into them.]

Broken Arrow 25 Points

Burn 100 ballistas in one run.

Cata-strophe 25 Points

Burn 50 catapults in one run.

For the hoard! 25 Points

Earn 50K gold.

Golden Shower 25 Points

Earn 100K gold.

Home-wrecker 25 Points

Burn 100 buildings in one run.

Mile-High Club 25 Points

Shoot down 100 airships in one run.

Well-done 25 Points

Burn 1,000 puny humans in one run.

Major League 50 Points

Fly 8 leagues in one run.

Why are you still playing? 50 Points

Earn 250K gold. You've won the game already, we get it. You're amazing.

Dream Punk

Medals Earned: 5/19 (35/340 points)

Move 5 Points

Learn to move.

Bounce 5 Points

Learn to bounce.

Hook 10 Points

Learn to hookshot

Map 5 Points

Learn how to use the map.

Tape Collector 10 Points

Collect a tape.

Glide 10 Points

Learn to glide.

Grind 25 Points

Learn to grind.

"Ness" 25 Points

Learn how to "Ness"

Recall 50 Points

Ascend the mountain and learn how to remember.

1 Chime 10 Points

Ring 1 chime.

2 Chimes 10 Points

Ring 2 chimes.

3 Chimes 10 Points

Ring 3 chimes

4 Chimes 10 Points

Ring 4 chimes

5 Chimes 10 Points

Ring 5 chimes

6 Chimes 10 Points

Ring 6 chimes.

7 Chimes 10 Points

Ring 7 chimes.

8 Chimes 25 Points

Ring 8 chimes.

9 Chimes 50 Points

Ring all 9 chimes.

Lies, Damn Lies, and Stats 50 Points

Fully max out a stat.

Dress Jill 2 (medal ed.)

Medals Earned: 4/12 (90/500 points)

Curative herb 5 Points

Collect all herbs

??? 10 Points

Answer on all questions

Shopaholic 25 Points

Buy everything in the shop

Claire is my favourite girl! 50 Points

If you like Claire more than Jill

Biohazard 10 Points

Kill all infected rats

I like dressing! 25 Points

Complete all "dress up" challenges

Sample 25 Points

Find sample of virus

Burn it! 50 Points

Destroy evil plant

Lucky 50 Points

Find all money on stages

Antidote 100 Points

Heal yourself

Tough challenge 100 Points

Complete all challenges

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!


Medals Earned: 2/53 (10/435 points)

Mponeng Gold Mine 5 Points

Reach 4Km depth

Tinkerer 5 Points

Craft 50 items

Thousandnaire 5 Points

Reach $1K

Halfwaynaire 10 Points

Reach $30K

Millionaire 25 Points

Reach $1M

A whole kilometer 5 Points

Reach 1Km depth

IceCube Neutrino 5 Points

Reach 2.5Km depth

Inverse Everest 10 Points

Reach 8Km depth

Mariana trench 10 Points

Reach 11Km depth

Kola Superdeep 10 Points

Reach 12Km depth

Drillionaire 25 Points

Reach 50Km depth

MacCrafter 5 Points

Craft 500 items

Steve 10 Points

Craft 5000 items

Item user 5 Points

Use 10 items

Item yeeter 5 Points

Use 25 items

Random... thing, go! 10 Points

Use 100 items

Heated stone 5 Points

Forge 50 ores

Blast furnace 5 Points

Forge 500 ores

Forge in fire 10 Points

Forge 5000 ores

Mixed material 5 Points

Forge 500 alloys

Shiny 5 Points

Cut 3 gems

Jeweler 5 Points

Cut 10 gems

Bling bling 10 Points

Cut 50 gems

STEM 5 Points

Complete 20 researches

Scientist 10 Points

Complete 40 researches

Nobel prize 25 Points

Complete 78 researches

Freelancer 5 Points

Complete 10 contracts

Contractor 5 Points

Complete 20 contracts

Mining firm 10 Points

Complete 50 contracts

Appraiser 5 Points

Make $1000 from auction

Auction master 10 Points

Make $50000 from auction

Rare catch 5 Points

Complete 1 museum sets

Collector 10 Points

Complete 4 museum sets

Archaeologist 25 Points

Complete 7 museum sets

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Reduce 5 Points

Recycle 50 items

Reuse 5 Points

Recycle 250 items

Recycle 10 Points

Recycle 1000 items

Florist 5 Points

Harvest 10 flowers

Gardener 5 Points

Harvest 10 plants.

Greenfinger 10 Points

Harvest 100 plants

Water bender 10 Points

Water plant 1000 times

Fresh start 5 Points

Reincarnate once

Driller 5 Points

Collect 10 Drillioncoin

Drillion master 10 Points

Collect 100 Drillioncoin

Boosted 5 Points

Boost drill part 10 times

Hyperboost 10 Points

Boost drill part 50 times

Jet speed 5 Points

Reach drill speed of 25 dps

Mach 10 10 Points

Reach drill speed of 50 dps

Light speed 10 Points

Reach drill speed of 100 dps

Traveller 5 Points

Travel to new place

Borgar 5 Points

Buy a burger stand

Drop Cannon

Medals Earned: 1/7 (5/240 points)

Detroit is Saved 5 Points

Complete level five.

Denver is Saved 10 Points

Completel level ten.

America is Saved 25 Points

Complete the game.

Perfect 1 25 Points

Get a perfect loadout in one level between 2-5.

Perfect 2 25 Points

Get a perfect loadout in one level between 6-10.

Perfect 3 50 Points

Get a perfect loadout in one level between 11-15.

Perfect Game 100 Points

Get a perfect loadout in every level.

Dungeon Deli

Medals Earned: 5/6 (90/190 points)

Full Restore 10 Points

Restore your health to maximum during Lifesteal Mode.

Confusion 10 Points

Walk into a wall during Reverse Mode.

Slippery Stairs 10 Points

Slide into a staircase during Slippery Mode.

Derailed 10 Points

Push a minecart mouse off of its tracks during Knockback Mode.

Picnic Time 50 Points

Clear the dungeon and retrieve your sandwich.

Dungeoneer 100 Points

Achieve the goal steps for each level.

Dungeon Watchers

Medals Earned: 5/5 (200/200 points)

Lunar Witch 25 Points

Beat the game with Luna

Bomber Elf 25 Points

Beat the game with Zelvy

Guardian 25 Points

Reach level 50 with any character.

Overpowered 25 Points

Reach level 80 with any character.

Dungeon Watcher 100 Points

Reach level 100 with any character.