
GustaveGame's Medals


Total Medals Earned: 1,601 (From 298 different games.)
Total Medal Score: 26,635 Points

Wanted! Castle Crashers

Medals Earned: 2/5 (10/95 points)

Level 10 5 Points

Get 10 points

Level 5 5 Points

Get 5 points

Level 15 10 Points

Get 15 points

Level 20 25 Points

Get 20 points

Level 25 50 Points

Get 25 points

Watch Paint Dry

Medals Earned: 9/9 (90/90 points)

Red 5 Points


Green 5 Points


Blue 5 Points


Yellow 5 Points


Pink 5 Points


Black 5 Points


Play 10 Points

I need some beats

Job's Done 25 Points

You watched the paint dry

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!


Medals Earned: 5/10 (115/365 points)

Herman's Ditch 5 Points

Build the Herman's Ditch.

Trynka Canal 10 Points

Build the Trynka Canal.

A Wheel Of Fortune 25 Points

Maintain all blocks happy (supply over demand) for 3 consecutive turns.

A Winner Is You 25 Points

Beat the game on Normal difficulty level.

Never A Dull Moment 50 Points

Complete the game in 130 turns or less.

Glitter And Gold 25 Points

Earn 5000 coins or more. Doesn't have to be completed in a single game.

I Request An Achievement 25 Points

Complete 20 requests in total. Doesn't have to be completed in a single game.

I Don't Feel So Well 50 Points

Complete the game without building any wells. (sumps are OK and completing a certain well-related request will not break this condition)

Waterbender 50 Points

Beat the game on Hard difficulty level.

Nothing Is Impossible 100 Points

Beat the game on Impossible difficulty level.


Medals Earned: 13/20 (85/460 points)

welcome! 5 Points

create your first world!

get back to work 5 Points

craft a workbench

rock and stone 5 Points

obtain your first ore

lucky find 5 Points

open a loot chest

lookin' good 5 Points

equip a piece of armor

run faster, jump higher 5 Points

equip a trinket

how does it fish... 5 Points

go fishing

unlucky find 10 Points

kill a mimic

wizard shit 10 Points

craft a staff of any type

get dressed 5 Points

find a vanity gift and open it

dude its just like minecraft !! 5 Points

grow and harvest a crop

amethyst geode 10 Points

dig down until you no longer can

ebay dot com 10 Points

buy something at the shop

yeowch !! 25 Points

take 90+ points of fall damage and barely survive

timmy bigness 50 Points

defeat the big praffin

i fucking looove science !!! 25 Points

create the research station

worm odyssey 100 Points

defeat the giant worm

money smart 25 Points

have over 5000 money in the bank

secret sorcerer 50 Points

defeat the magician mini boss

weaver 100 Points

defeat the final boss and beat the game

Weird Wally's Warzone

Medals Earned: 3/3 (300/300 points)

Easy Medal 1 100 Points

Beat Level 1

Easy Medal 2 100 Points

Beat Level 2

Easy Medal 3 100 Points

Beat Level 3

Witchcraft Tower Defence

Medals Earned: 4/7 (185/485 points)

First quest 10 Points

Complete 1 quest by making 5 same towers

Half the way 25 Points

Complete 15 waves

Legendary collector 50 Points

Build 6 level 5 towers

Victory 100 Points

Complete game

Master of the coin 100 Points

Earn 25000 coins

Adventurer 100 Points

Complete 30 quests for all towers

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

You Broke the Game

Medals Earned: 3/7 (40/390 points)

Key 5 Points

Put the key on the altar

Apple 10 Points

Put the apple on the altar

Potion 25 Points

Put the potion on the altar

Goblet 50 Points

Put the goblet on the altar

Full Score 100 Points

Collect all the coins and beat the game

Pacifist 100 Points

Beat the game without killing any enemy (level restart is allowed)

Speedrun 100 Points

Beat the game in under 3 minutes


Medals Earned: 7/26 (40/500 points)

Double Rainbow 5 Points

Scale Mount Ulahard

Good boy! 5 Points

Play with your dog

Novice 5 Points

Craft your first potion

Overreaction 5 Points

Burn Duro to get his ship

Potal 5 Points

Complete Potal

What's this? 5 Points

Pick your first ingredient

Herbalist 10 Points

Collect 100 ingredients

Aeryl 5 Points

Complete Aeryl

Bravado 5 Points

Drink poison

Elaris 5 Points

Complete Elaris

Immature 5 Points

Annoy the portly man in the shower

Meztla 5 Points

Complete Meztla

Rhisla 5 Points

Complete Rhisla

Ro'gor 5 Points

Complete Ro'gor

Bullet 10 Points

Complete the race across the border

Fortified 10 Points

Collect a health upgrade

Lynaii 10 Points

Complete Lynaii

Pacifist 10 Points

Complete the race without firing

Sacrilege 10 Points

Enter the locked temple on Meztla

how it will end. 25 Points

Defeat X'o'chthu

Master Alchemist 25 Points

Craft all potions

Sneaky 25 Points

Don't get shot on the Potal battlefield

Fourth Wall 50 Points

Visit the developers

Potion Addict 50 Points

Drink all potions at once

Man of Steel 100 Points

Collect all health upgrades

Masochist 100 Points

Defeat X'o'chthu using Freeze potions only